HyreCar. Verifying quality drivers for a vehicle rental marketplace

Gig Economy / Income & Employment Verification

How driving income opportunities for gig workers — and long-term rentals for vehicle owners — starts with proper due diligence

HyreCar is a digital, peer-to-peer car rental marketplace focused on helping gig workers access the vehicles they need to take advantage of rideshare and delivery income streams. On the other side of the equation are vehicle owners who use HyreCar to connect with gig workers and loan them use of their cars.


For HyreCar to be successful, vehicle owners need to know the gig workers they’re renting to are quality drivers. At the same time, HyreCar’s insurance provider charges per mile driven outside of the gig platforms. That means, it’s in HyreCar’s best interest to have visibility into how many miles they are driving for personal versus commercial use.


Rather than depend on self-reporting, HyreCar introduced Argyle during the driver onboarding process. Now, drivers can connect their gig accounts to their HyreCar profile, giving HyreCar direct visibility into their past and present rideshare and delivery activity. In turn, HyreCar can verify crucial identity, activity, and reputation data to qualify drivers and give vehicle owners greater peace of mind. Meanwhile, HyreCar also uses Argyle to determine with certainty whether a driver was performing a rideshare or delivery at the time of an accident, helping to process claims more efficiently.

HyreCar also uses Argyle to assist with period tracking, which allows HyreCare to determine how many of their driver miles occur on a gig platform. Ultimately, this can assist with HyreCar’s insurance negotiation process.

“When we verify drivers through Argyle, we know for a fact that they work for gig platforms and are renting vehicles for commercial purposes. That goes a long way with the vehicle owners who use our platform.”

AJ Lee Hyre Car

AJ Lee

Chief Operating Officer at HyreCar


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